'Kimmie P' Callaway, Founder | Executive Producer
Kimmie P Callaway
Kim is a quadruple threat writer/director/producer/entrepreneur. She has been creating commercials, comedy sketches, music videos, shorts and original series for major networks and brands for nearly 2 decades.
Born and raised in Houston, TX with a background in theatre and music, she attended The High School for Performing Visual Arts. Kim then spent several glorious/notorious years in New Orleans on a broadcast production scholarship at Loyola University before making the move to Los Angeles.
She started in traditional television, producing shows for Fox, MTV, Style, The CW, & Planet Green. She then spent 6 years directing & show running original streaming series for the AOL / Huffington Post Media Group. She ended her tenure there as a Creative Executive, overseeing development & production.
Kim founded Pillowfight!! in 2017 with a mission to create the type of work she has always gravitated toward - Imaginative, thought-provoking stories with distinctive imagery + bonus points for humor and a satiric edge.
Her work has garnered 3 first place Telly Awards, received runner up at the L.A.’s Funny Women Festival, and been showcased at the New York Independent Film Festival and Chicago Comedy Film Festival.
She is the proud mother of 2 beautiful human children and 1 very talented pug.
Andy 'Andrew' Nixon, Partner | Co-Executive Producer
Andrew Nixon
Andrew is a creatively driven developer, director, producer, and writer with a proven track record of creating content that garners millions of views.
He too grew up in Houston, TX and also attended The High School for Performing and Visual Arts; he and Kim have been friends and creative partners since elementary school! Their collaboration is much like the Coen Brothers, except they are slightly less talented, much less successful, and one of them is female.
After graduating from Chapman Film School, Andrew spent half a decade working in commercials before moving into the Wild West of streaming content.
Andrew has created original content for Huffington Post Media Group, Yahoo, AOL, Moviefone, Stylelist as well as commercial & branded content for Casper Mattress, Verizon, Chevy, GE, GMC, Sprint and more.
He is the proud father of Biscuit, an extraordinarily fluffy cat.